
Find out which port is being used by Ubuntu

If you’re running an Ubuntu or Linux-based server, you may find yourself shutting down with ports open, either by mistake or for unknown reasons. I’m sure you’ve experienced the problem of trying to restart your server only to find that the ports are already occupied. In this post, I’ll show you how to check the ports you’re using.

xfce Desktop Monitor Sleep Control

Most of the time, I use a Linux laptop. Among them, I use Xfce-based Xubuntu, and I remember that in the past, it worked well if I removed the power saving mode from the GUI, but even though I turned off all the settings, there is a phenomenon that keeps going into power saving mode, so I record the solution process.

What is Snap

When installing a package using Ubuntu, there are times when installing it with apt and installing it with snap, but I was using it without knowing what characteristics the two have, but I would like to take this opportunity to summarize exactly what snap is.